
Luci: The Discord Bot

A General-Purpose Fun Discord-Bot

Project Abandoned

Development for this awesome bot had to be stopped due to some personal reasons.

The original library on which this was based was scrapped - The Future of, due to lack of support from Discord Devs 😞.

Luci: The Discord Bot

GitHub Repo: luciferchase/luci
A General-Purpose Fun bot with lots and lots of features.



CommandsWhat it does?
muteMute someone for a time interval
unmuteUnmute a muted person
kickKick a member out!
banBan them! Good riddance
unbanUnban a member
bansSee list of members who are banned
baninfoSee info about a particular banned member
addroleAdd a role to a member
removeroleRemover a role from a member
purgePurge a member’s messages (You can purge your own messages too)
cleanClean your own messages
hackbanBan someone who is not in the server
lockLockdown a channel or the server (members will not be able to send any message)
unlockUnlock a locked server or channel


CommandsWhat it does?
akiPlay the famous Akinator the game
tictactoe [alias = ttt]Play the classic Tic Tac Toe game against Luci
quizPlay a trivia quiz from over 20 categories

Conversation games

CommandsWhat it does?
truthAsk a truth question. No lie!
dareDare someone
neverhaveiever [alias = nhie]Never have I ever…
wouldyourather [alias = wyr]Would you rather…

Fun Commands

CommandsWhat it does?
memeMeme goes brrrrr!
memespamSo that you don’t have to beg for meme 50 times
avatar [alias = av]See the avatar of a user (must be from the same guild)
bigmoji [alias = e ]Enlarge an emoji
ComicsGet a ohno, Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal (smbc), The Perry Bible Fellowship (pbf), Cyanide and Happiness (cah), XKCD (xkcd), Mr. Lovenstein (mrls), Chainsawsuit (chainsaw), Sarah’s Scribbles (sarah), Dilbert (dilbert), Calvin and Hobbes (calvin), Garfield (garfield), Odd is out (oddones) Commic
pollMake a poll
nitro [alias = n]Don’t have nitro? Don’t worry, send an animated emote through bot
insultEvil insult 😈
shoutEmojify words
dmDM someone through the bot (but why would you do that anyway 🤔)
alphanato [alias = nda]Get military phonetics
photoGet a photo from unsplash
wallpaperGet today’s Bing Wallpaper

Animals Awwwww ❤️

CommandsWhat it does?
dogGet a cute doggo pic
dogfactGet a random fact about dogs
catGet a cute catto pic
catfactGet a random fact about cats
pandaGet a cute panda pic
birbGet a cute bird pic
redpandaGet a cute redpanda pic
koalaGet a cute koala pic

Nerd Commands

CommandsWhat it does?
math [alias = calc]Handy-dandy calculator (supports very complex stuff too)
integrateIntegrate an expression (not fully functional yet 😬)
deriveDifferentiate an expression
factorise [alias = solve]Find roots of a polynomial
tangentFind tangent to a curve at a point
definite integrateDo definite integration on a curve

The command that I am most proud of, however are these:

Schedule Memes

You can schedule to send memes (from a particular subreddit; default is r\dankmemes) to a channel hourly/twice a day/daily/whatever. You can schedule the time interval in any way.

Schedule Wallpaper

Send daily bing wallpapers to a channel.


There are lots and lots of things that I want to add to the bot. You can open an Issue and suggest anything that you want me to add and I will try my best.